sinokultur im Salon 2024

Wir freuen uns, dir unsere Salon-Veranstaltungen im Jahr 2024 mit Kulturschaffenden aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, Hong Kong, Italien und China zu präsentieren.

In der charmanten und intimen Atmosphäre des Salons werden die Kulturschaffenden ihre spannenden und innovativen Projekte vorstellen. Im Anschluss an die Präsentation hat das Publikum die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen. Die Kulturschaffenden und das Publikum können offen und kritisch diskutieren. Ein kleiner Aperitif wird den Abend abrunden.

Ort: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109 in 8032 Zürich

Wir freuen uns auf ein buntes Publikum und erhellende Diskussionen!

Wong Chi-yung: Concepts on the Move


On Friday, 24. May at 18.30 the Hong Kong cross-disciplinary artist and artist-curator Wong Chi-yung will talk about experiential installations, lighting installations, and creative education, emphasizing the communication between arts and sciences. He will explain to everyone how he wanders between art creation and scientific research, and then responds to his exploration with art creation. How to stimulate cooperation, creation, and research through the exploration of cross-disciplinary collaboration, and promote public awareness of mental health.

Wong Chi-yung was born in Hong Kong, and now lives in Zurich and Hong Kong. In the past four years, Chi-yung has actively promoted artistic and academic exchange. His collaborators include: Theatre of Liege, Belgium, West Kowloon Cultural Authority District, Hong Kong Arts Center, ETH Zurich, and the Artists-in-Labs Program at the Institute of Cultural Studies of Zurich University of the Arts, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, etc. Recently, he was selected as one of the Art Fellows 2020 by Yale University in the United States, where he developed arts and mental health projects.

For tickets click here

Alessandro Rolandi: Social Intervention and Relational Dynamics


On Friday, 30. August 2024 at 18.30 the Italian multimedia and performance artist, socia activist, researcher, writer and educator Alessandro Rolandi will talk about his time in China and his past and current projects.

Alessandro has been living and working in Beijing from 2002 to 2020. His work focuses on social intervention and relational dynamics to expand the notion of art practice beyond existing structures, spaces and hierarchies, engaging with reality through strategic decentralized autonomous practices. He is the founder and director of the Social Sensibility R&D Department at Bernard Controls Industries in Beijing (2010-ongoing) and Paris/Gonesse (2016-ongoing) and a founding partner of the Social Sensibility Research Institute (SoSense).

Alessandro was born in Pavia on 18th April 1971. Currently he is based in Bern Switzerland. He studied Chemistry in the Universities of Pavia and Siena; Theater at Scuola Europea di Danza e Teatro, Carcano, Milano; Experimental Theatre and film-making; Master History of Art & market at Christie’s Education Paris/ Cambridge University; Asian Environmental Humanities: landscapes in transition, Zurich University certificate.

For tickets click here

sinokultur im Salon: Nina Chen


On Thursday, October 24 at 18.30 sinokultur invites you to join us for a talk with Chinese photographer and artist Nina Chen.

Nina will show her newest project the video Here, nowhere (2024) and will talk with Yunlong Song about her experience as an immigrant and photographer/artist in Switzerland.

About the video: At the end of 2017, Nina immigrated from Shanghai to canton Aargau, Switzerland. As part of the immigrant community, she is also an experiencer of immigrant life and an observer of this process. Since the spring of 2022, she has invited five immigrant women around her to read poems in their mother tongue to show the hardships and joys of their new life. She uses real and delicate film language to show the audience the private states of mind of these women from different cultural backgrounds, hoping that these ordinary individuals can gain the audience's understanding and respect.

This immigration journey, whether bitter or joyful, is an experience worth remembering. Where will these immigrant women go and will they be able to put down roots in this country? Will this be their last stop?

About the artist: Nina was born in 1980 in Hubei, China. After she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Hubei Normal University in 2003, she worked as an art teacher, graphic designer and art director. Since 2009, she was a freelance photographer and artist, and founded Nina Chen Photography Studio and lived and worked in Shanghai. She moved to Switzerland in 2017 and is the resident photographer at the Children’s Hospital in Zurich.

After the talk and discussion we will all enjoy a tasty Apéro together.

The talk will be held in English.

Click here for tickets

Mulan Sun: Form is Void, Void is Form


Am Freitag, 29. November 2024 um 18.30 lädt sinokultur dich zu unserem Salon mit der Architektin Mulan Sun ein.

Wasser, Wohnen und spirituelle Räume sind die Hauptthemen Mulan Suns Forschung und Praxis der letzten Jahre. In diesem Vortrag wird sie die Wohn- und Teehaus Projekte vorstellen und die historischen und theoretischen Forschungen, die diesen Projekten zugrunde liegt. Damit versucht sie die Frage zu antworten: Wie wir immaterielle/unendliche Spiritualität durch materielle/endliche Architektur schaffen?

Mulan Sun ist in China geboren und aufgewachsen. Im Jahr 2005 kam sie in die Schweiz für das Architektur Masterstudium an der ETH Zürich. Seit 2015 ist sie Gründerin und Partnerin von SML Architektur GmbH. Mulan unterrichtete an der ETH Zürich, an der Universität Tianjin, und seit 2020 an der Hochschule Luzern. Sie ist auch Teemeisterin, Gründungsmitglied des ETH Circle und Präsidentin der Schweizerisch-Chinesischen Kammer der Architekten und Künstler (SCAA).

Ort: Lechbinska Galerie, Mühlebachstrasse 12, 8008 Zürich

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